Volunteer and Donor Opportunities

TFCH needs volunteers for its planting days and watering efforts. During dry spells, volunteers are always need to water trees in the first 12 to 36 months of their planting.

Volunteering is a great way to meet neighbors, increase the value of your neighborhood, teach yourself or your children how to become an urban forester, or to get some needed exercise.

How to donate? TFCH relies on community grants, business contributions, and private donations to purchase its trees. Consider how you can commemorate a special event or person, or enhance the value of your home by giving a donation to purchase a tree. You can support TFCH by going to the "Donate" tab above.

If you or an organization you belong to would like to get involved let us know! 

Contact TFCH by sending an email to:

Mark at mark@treesforcapitolhill.org 

or telephone Elizabeth at (202)329-7864

Trees for Capitol Hill
Trees for Capitol Hill